Category: Harvest

  • Harvest, Failure, Potato, Planet

    8th August 2012 – Allotment Plot 326 – The day became warmer and warmer and more humid. Ella Montt arrived at the Plot and found that next door at plot 325 most of the wild plant foliage had been cut down and removed, apart from at the far end where it had been left standing.…

  • Blight and Harvest

    18th August 2011 – Allotment Plot at MERL – Torrential rain delayed and limited Plot interaction. Ella Montt assessed the cultivation field considering the Plot, and then searched in her bag for packets of seeds. Ella Montt broadcasted seeds on to the soil in the place that had been emptied of Potatoes the week before.…

  • Mulberry and Potatoes

    7 August 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – Harvest: Tomato Gardener’s Delight = 3oz = 80g; Beetroot Bolivar = 1lb 4oz = 580g; Potato Madeleine 12lb 15oz = 5.9kg. 8 August 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – Harvest: Runner Bean Enorma = 2oz = 60g; Potato Madeline 4lb = 1.82kg; Beetroot Bolivar = 1lb 8oz…

  • Wild and Self-Seeded

    3rd August 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – Ella Montt almost randomly broadcasted a mix of seeds in the cleared area where the Peas had previously been. The area was still surrounded by shading netting. The mix of seeds consisted of Carrot Amsterdam Forcing, Calabrese Baumont F1, Cabbage Wintergreen, and Oriental Tai sai. It was…

  • Raindrops fell to Earth

    20th July 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – Harvest: 4 x Courgettes = 1lb 13oz = 640g; Shallots Red Sun = 1lb 7oz = 640g; Peas = Ezeta’s Krombek Blauwschokker = 10.5oz = 290g, Oregon Sugar Pod II = 2oz = 40g, a mix of Kelvedon Wonder, Ambassador and Meteor = 3oz = 80g. 21st…

  • Peas, Fence, Frame, Destruction

    10th July 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – Harvest: Peas Ezeta’s Krombek Blauwschokker = 5oz = 150g, Oregon Sugar Pod II = 5.5oz = 160g, a mix of Kelvedon Wonder, Ambassador and Meteor = 1lb 3oz = 550g. 12th July 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – R&P helped to erect some of the fence around…

  • Mid Summer

    23rd June 2011 – Allotment Plot at MERL – One of the Comfrey plants in the Brick Composter was starting to grow out of the Composter. Comfrey can be harvested regularly through the growing season to be used as a plant food and as a compost activator. Ella Montt adjusted some of the Climbing Beans…

  • 326 Garlic and Onion Harvest

    11th June 2011 – Allotment Plot 326 – It was necessary to harvest the Garlic, Onions, and the rest of the Broad Beans. Garlic and onions were dug out of the soil. The remainders of the over-wintered Spinach that had gone to seed were removed. Last night there had been a hail storm followed by…

  • Elements, Garlic Harvest, Bamboo

    7th June 2011 – Allotment Plot 326. The Bean plants that had been planted a few days before looked like they had been through war, left to interact with the elements and wildlife. Ella Montt found it hard to know if the plants would recover from the havoc they had experienced. The weather was changeable…

  • Planting Harvesting Drought Rain

    25th May 2011 – At Allotment Plot 326, the first Garlic harvest of the year (2011) happened, (more to follow).  Garlic Harvest = 5oz = 120g. Plants were transplanted from the fixed up greenhouse to Plot 326. Plants were: Tomato Gardeners Delight x 18; Courgette Patriot F1 x 2 and Cocozelle x 2; Beans (French…